Making and Creating
Welcome to Feltivities! I'm Ali, and enthusiastic crafter and artist living in Manchester, UK.
What I do
I have pursued various forms of artistic expression since before I can remember. I found some years ago however a talent for creating 3-D artworks from felting. My craft has been self -taught and is a continually improving and stimulating journey. I love to explore many forms of fabric art outside of felting such as crochet, knitting and tapestry.
I love to challenge myself to try and make everything and everything that comes to mind (and that I get asked to) through fabric in ever evolving ways.
What I love
I love to make things for people – unique and special gifts based on what they love. Therefore, I thought that I should make this passion available for others to have the chance to turn their creative thoughts into fabric reality. Everyone is a winner!
Let’s Connect
When I'm not crafting, I must toil away in financial services! During my free time otherwise, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, watching Formula One or reading/talking about Formula One!
Feel free to reach out to me at or follow me on Instagram.